l araignée geante a pas l air d etre mal , meme si jai pas trop regardé ,
une fig que je ne peindrais surement jamais .....
Sosabowski a écrit:Oui, il s'agit en faite de la suite de figurine consacrée au premier Book de campagne que FW va editer sur le monde Battle.
Et d'après ce qu'en disent les gens (et FW), va y avoir du gros changement dans le monde de Battle (la mort supposé de Karl Frantz en fait partie).
Sinon je pense comme général, tu devrais investir dans la bestiole, au moins pour une sorte de Game show
Army gains a magical lore + access to some of the Rulebook lores (death, shadow, metal and light is what I heard, but I don't buy the light part.)
There's supposed to be a spell to block the sun which denies enemy his ranks (because of the confusion and panic), but I'm not buying this either.
There's a spell that refills units and deals damage at the same time.
A Tomb Sphinx (should be the second pic - it's belly/ribcage)
Different Bone Giants (I heard 4, I can see 3 as they are described in the armybook)
4 new Units total - 2 Monsters, 1 Warmachine, 1 Infantry
A new War machine
A new type of character. You'll have your king to lead your army from the rear, as a mage/warrior hybrid, a "herald" close combat mummy character, and the priest to, well, lazor your enemies and refill your ranks.